Climb Kilimanjaro for Charity 2022/2023


Climb Kilimanjaro for charity gives you an opportunity as a tourist/traveler to add value to you experience by donating part of your climbing fee to a child living in vulnerable/poor environment. Godson Charity is not an orphanage center. Instead it spot children living in poor/vulnerable environment analyze their needs from where they are and directly seek for help.

When you climb the Kilimanjaro with us part of the fee paid is donated to the children, either shall you need to see the children before or after the climb we always organize for you to do that. Either, our team is as well open to other kinds of support you can provide either direct or indirect.

Since we are a mountaineering company we can give you excellent advice from your first phone call, throughout your fundraising and pre trek period, throughout your mountain climb for charity to the summit of Kilimanjaro and home again. We can organize a post trek safari or a visit to some the charity projects, there are lots of options for you when you climb a mountain for charity with Enjoy Kili Ltd!


The terrain on Mt Kilimanjaro varies throughout; in a period of seven days, traversing the mountain over 24 miles, ascending from 2000m to 5895m and back down, you will pass through cultivated farmland, equatorial forest and alpine heath, across a lunar-like volcanic desert and up to a glaciated summit. Climbing Kilimanjaro for charity is not a technical climb and there are no precipitous drops along the way, no rock climbing or specialist equipment needed. 

The paths are in good condition and well trodden; some are steeper than others (in particular the Great Barranco Wall is an exciting scramble) and you will most likely meet people all along the way. On summit day the path is mostly scree, which can be loose and unrelenting, especially on the descent when your knees may suffer.


Machame and Millennium Camp are on the tree line and have a number of campsites set in small clearings in the forest. You will see a central ranger station and a number of drop-hole latrines. Mobile coverage here and it is quite easy to descend back to the gate if necessary. 

Shira Camp is situated on the vast Shira plateau which is a volcanic spill-off from the last explosion some 100,000 years ago. Open and exposed and often dusty with smaller, more fragile plants amongst the rocks. Latrines and Ranger huts are around and the area is so huge it is easy to have some privacy. Meanwhile the Horombo Huts are busy with people and Mawenzi Tarn is very quiet and remote.

Barranco Camp is in a big clearing at the head of the steep valley which drops down into the Umbwe route, with dramatic cliffs around and right below the ice fields of Kibo, a stunning location for a camp. 

Karanga Camp is a very open camp on the side of a hillside with great views of the summit massif and the expanse of land beyond the mountain. Many people go direct from Barranco to Barafu, so Karanga is traditionally a bit of half-way stop, but there are still latrines and a Ranger hut here.

Barafu, meaning ‘ice’, is now no longer covered in permanent snow but it is cold and rocky and exposed. People definitely feel the altitude here and you can expect snow and sometimes high wind. The camp sites are dotted amongst nooks and crannies in the rocks, perched on a sort of ridge.


Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is a non-technical trek but it does offer a full mountaineering experience. Experience in hill walking is a benefit but not absolutely necessary, since this is a supported climb. You will have however be outdoors constantly and living in tents so any sort of experience with camping will be useful. 

It is not necessary to have any experience of high altitude to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, the important factor will be to go slowly and allow your metabolism to adapt to the lower air pressure and the thinner air.


The staff will carry your main bag up to a maximum weight of 15 Kgs plus all the tents, kitchen equipment, food, fuel, tables and chairs. They will cater for all the group needs, providing excellent meals and putting up the tents. The guides will also brief you daily on the climb. 

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